Thursday, May 5, 2011

Have You called Jenny?

I only thought they couldn't work me harder in the gym... Now the gloves come off. So far I've endured the classes and lived to tell, did Zumba til the cows came home, hiked, kettlebelled, used the heavy bag and I'm still kickin. Then I met with Jenny today! Not the one who has a meal plan, this one has a game plan. And lets just say she was out for blood. I needed to learn how to work the machines. I'm not very coordinated and find it hard to do the treadmill without flying off the back. The only time I got on the elliptical I lasted about 20 seconds. And the stationary bike made me feel, well, weird. BUT, I needed to learn how cause I know it will be required of me in two weeks. Jenny thought it would be better if I ran all over the gym, lifting all forms of heavy objects then hopping on each of the machines and in between striking poses such as planks, mountain climbers, and squats: All the while holding big weights and doing it all at a jog. OK so it wasn't that bad, but this afternoon I was feeling it so bad I almost didn't make it to Zumba. Jenny works! Now, I don't! Good thing I have a chiro appt. tomorrow with Dr Fullam. What would I do without him popping me back into shape when I get popped out. Gadzooks! What will I do without him at the Ridge?

Tomorrow when I wake up my countdown is at two weeks. Two weeks left to train. Two weeks left to love on my husband. Two weeks left to smooch my kids. Two weeks left to be in the life I know, walking in my comfort zone. Two weeks before we shake things up. Two weeks before I meet some amazing people who will change my life forever. It feels like the moment you are about to bungee jump off a bridge. You inhale and shaking you see your foot start to move away from the bridge. That moment where there is no turning back. That's where I am, somewhere between reality and zombie.

Tomorrow is a big day. I'm mailing a bunch of goat milk soap orders for people. Got some more orders to fill for locals. Chiro appt at 8 am. Boys end of year testing for homeschool at 10:30 am. Fit in a workout at some point. Grocery store and prepping food for the big dinner party Saturday night for the Arts Council. Go buy some rock dust to make trails in the yard. And add some more to the garden. Hummmm...I should just call in dead. I guess I should just go to bed. Oh wait, I really need to ice down my butt.

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