Breakfast fruit
sausage, eggs, and pancakes

Gretchen and I before class
Tiffany and her butterfly compression stockings - she's so stylish
Mushroom soup
Fish tacos
Julie and I on a windy day
LOVE Jenn:) Check out her shirt
Gretchen and I after a hard day
Lasagne and carrots. My roomie just said it tasted much better even than this pic shows:)
Chocolate ganache fudgie little goodies - IDK:)
I can say I enjoyed myself today. I made myself that promise and today I kept it. I went to Annamarie's stretch, ate breakfast, and skipped Stop Sign hike. Do I feel bad, heck no! I got in the pool and worked out for an hour and 45 minutes and felt great. I didn't want to mess my hip up on the high elevation asphalt today and not get to do the 5K tomorrow. It's actually a 4 mile fun run. We said they should have called it a 4 mile Funner Run;) I did the lecture with Tiffany on Fitness, ate lunch, Zumba, pool, and skipped third class. It was nice to get a shower after all that pool time and sunscreen. It's starting to warm up out here! We had yummer lasagne and those adorable little chocolate thingys for supper, but I accused someone of eating half of mine! Brad tried to get our server to bring him the ones that people didn't want LOL!!! How do you think that went over???
So tomorrow is the Fitness Festival. I'm really looking forward to it. I am also dreading having to get up sooooo early. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a whiner, but we have been getting up at 5:15 every morning and working out 8 hours a day! We have to pick up our sack breakfast at 5:30 and the run starts at 6:30. The Ironman will be going right by our main road here. It would be great to get to cheer Tiffany on, but we will probably never see her. There are so many people in the Ironman it's crazy! Well I'm off to bed. I hope to get lots of helpful information on here next week when I get home. I have learned so much and I want to be able to share it with you. Wish me luck for tomorrow. Oh and I just want to say something. Thanks to all of you who keep checking in on me. Since I have been here on Friday I have had over 700 page views!!! When I started this blog last year there isn't any way that I would have imagined I would be over 9,000 hits a year later. So thank you to all of you living life large through my blog. If you want to support me big time, get up tomorrow morning and go walk 4 miles. Post a comment on here if you do, I want to cheer you on:) Good night and sweet dreams from Utah.
I walk two miles 5-6 days a week. Every day I say I am going to do more. Tomorrow I will do the four miles. If Tiffany and you and eveyone else is doing it then so can I. Thank you for motivating me to do more.