I'm on my third week being home and am still having trouble believing when I look in the mirror that it's my body I'm seeing. Everybody is saying the same thing that lost a lot of weight. You still see the old you. The only difference is I'm not in my clothes. I'm in someone elses smaller clothes. Going from a size 24 down to a 16 is quite a bit of difference, so it's weird not really being able to tell. I guess in time my eyes will catch up;)
Not being able to workout as much as at the Ridge has taken it's toll on my muscles. They aren't as toned as they were when I came home, but I'm still making good progress. I pulled my elbow carrying my very heavy backpack on the plane ride home. Needless to say I haven't been able to lift weights without quite a bit of pain. Hope it heals soon. I want to get back to swinging the kettlebell. We are all set to run our next 5K on Saturday, the 16th. I have been working out everyday to get ready for it. I plan on hitting Zumba Monday - Thursday and want to get to the gym to walk/run on the track. The next 5K will be held at 9:30 pm under the streetlights in Morganton. Which means we will be lucky to get home by midnight. Ugh...I need more sleep than that! Isaac, Steve, and I will run this one. Dorian will be too pooped by then to do a good run.
I have been thinking quite a bit about my time at Fitness Ridge and what a wonderful thing it was. Each of my friends that went are all talking about return trips. I too have my reservations deposit put in. I would like to be at my goal weight by the time I go back knowing what I know now. I would love to go out there and really push myself and challenge what I did this time. I already saw a difference today on the 5 mile trail verses what I was able to do before I went to the Ridge. We hiked that same trail for the first time in training back in April. I had to stop at least 12 times for air, or water, or something to eat because I was shaky. This time, I didn't even have to pause when we hit the loggin road part of the hike (the hardest part for me). We breezed straight through it. I was so proud of Coral. She and I pushed each other. It was like being back at on the hikes out West. I am so much stronger and I don't have to rely on Steve for as many things. He has been so supportive of me since I've been home. Well, those of you who know him know he is usually supportive of everything I do, but we have really had some fun working out together. We go about it with different styles, but with the same goal now.
Both of my boys are off at camp this week. Steve and I are going to take some much needed time and spend it on each other. We are also going though every square inch of the house and organizing stuff in closets and pantries. We still have a little painting to do in the bathrooms. Maybe we can knock that out too:) I have an idea life will get a little better when these tasks are taken care of. You just can't live in peace with clutter in your life. Have you noticed how it takes it toll on you? Thanks to Wal Mart, we have more stuff than we really need, so purging is necessary a couple times a year.
Life is getting back to my 'new normal'. We have the freezer all stocked up with stuff I can eat and a game plan in the journal. I want to lose 20 more lbs for my next goal. I would like to hit it by the end of summer. Hold me to it guys. Hopefully I will get to do a couple more 5Ks by then. Steve and I looked up a competition called the Tough Mudder. 10 miles of running with 20 military style obsticles. I would love to do it. I told Steve he needed to try it and he now thinks I'm out to get his life insurance policy. LOL!!! Maybe that could be my reward for losing the next 20 lbs. Wow, exercise really does make you crazy! OK, I'm outta here for now. Go out there and do something wonderful for yourself this week. You are worth it!
Dawn you are such an inspiration to me! I've been following you since before you left for the ridge. I'm now almost 2 weeks out until I finally get there and my adventure can begin. Thanks for posting all of your thoughts! It makes it so much easier for all of the rest of us. I applaud you for your Sweet Success! Congratulations!