Forgot to take a pic of the dessert, but it was just a fruit skewer with raspberry reduction. Really refreshing though.
Well I made it through my classes today which included kickboxing, mountain, and circuit. We had a great hike. I find that now that I've been here for a while and I'm starting to get fit, it's harder to get a good calorie burn. My metabolism pretty much stinks so eating less and working out more is going to be my only option when I get home. I'm OK with that now that I know the great recipes (you can get Chef's two cookbooks for $56 shipped right to your door) and I know that Mountain and Treading classes are two of my favorites. I have also learned that hiking is one of my favorite outdoor things to do.
I am already sad to loose most of my buddies this Sunday. There are very few of us that started together that will still be here. I think like four or so. I will get a new roomie next week as Cheryl is only staying one week.
If you have run out of steam this week, just get out there and push yourself. I can't believe how strong I am. I have made it though all kinds of rough stuff and and am still kicking. YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK AND YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE YOURSELF!!!!!!
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